Here is how you redeem your code on the ticket.
Step 1: Create an account (skip if you already have one).
a. Go to
b. Click Sign up.
c. Sign up for the free account (You can also sign up for the Anywhere account since this ticket is good for that).
d. Fill in your new user information and do the fun human validation to prove you are a human.
Step 2 : Upgrade your account. This works if you have a free account or home subscription type. Also make sure that you are in not in the tasker section (If you see Done playing on the top right, click it).
a. Underneath the buttons, click on "Upgrade your account".
b. Type in your password since this is a management area.
c. Scroll down the page and find where it say "Do you have a license code?" and follow that link.
d. Type in the code EXACTLY (including dashes) that is supplied on the ticket. Make sure everything is UPPERCASE.
e. Enjoy!
Step 2: Find where it says "Do you have a license code?" and click the link.
a. Type in the code EXACTLY (including dashes) that is supplied on the ticket. Make sure everything is UPPERCASE.
b. Enjoy!